Wednesday 27 July 2011

Inspiration ......

...... for me comes from other fantastic blogs that I love reading .....

Laura at A Daisy Chain Dream for her fantastic baking skills, ability to make me browse the web for hours with her recommendations on fashion and footwear (any excuse for me Laura !) and her ability to pick herself up and dust herself off no matter what life seems to throw at her !

Vix for sheer envy at her fabulous ebay, car boot and jumble sale finds - she is my hero !

AThriftyMrs for her expert thought-provoking blogging posts and always having something interesting to discuss.

Alex for her determination on her weight-loss journey, her wonderful outfits and historical blog posts (I learn so much from your travels!)

There are lots more that I could write about too but this would be a very long post indeed if I did.

I hope the above ladies don't mind me giving them a mention !  xx

I wonder if you can guess who inspired me to make these beauties  ....

We're off for a celebratory charity shop jaunt this afternoon after my Ebay dolls sold for a mahooosive £350! Not bad for a £16 outlay ! Obviously I won't spend it all, just a little bit ?!


Vix said...

£350? My goodness, what a result!
I'm more than flattered by the mention and what great company I'm in, too. x

daisychain said...

aw, you made me tear up with your lovely words x

♥ Sadie ♥ said...

Those cakes look yummy!!

Sadie x